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Reshape Pandas Dataframe With Multiple Column Groups

I currently have a wide dataframe that looks like this: Index ID1 ID2 Foc_A Foc_B Foc_C Sat_A Sat_B Sat_C 0 r 1 10 15 17 100 105 107 1 r 2 20 25

Solution 1:

You are thinking in the right way. You can do:

# melt the dataframe
d1 = df.set_index(['Index', 'ID1', 'ID2']).stack().reset_index()

# create separate column
d1[['flag', 'Ch']] = d1['level_3'].str.split('_', expand=True)
d1 = d1.drop('level_3', 1)
d1 = d1.rename(columns = {0: 'Foc'})

# expand the dataframe to wide
d2 = pd.pivot_table(d1, index=['Index', 'ID1', 'ID2', 'Ch'], columns=['flag']).reset_index()

# fix column names
d2.columns = ['Index', 'ID1', 'ID2', 'Ch', 'Foc', 'Sat']


   Index ID1  ID2 Ch  Foc  Sat
0      0   r    1  A   10  100
1      0   r    1  B   15  105
2      0   r    1  C   17  107
3      1   r    2  A   20  110
4      1   r    2  B   25  115

Solution 2:

I'd set ID columns to the index, split and expand the columns on the '_' character, then stack the dataframe:

from io import StringIO
import pandas

datafile = StringIO("""\
Index ID1 ID2 Foc_A Foc_B Foc_C Sat_A Sat_B Sat_C
   0   r  1   10    15    17    100   105   107
   1   r  2   20    25    27    110   115   117
   2   s  1   30    35    37    120   125   127
   3   s  2   40    45    47    130   135   137

    pandas.read_csv(datafile, sep='\s+')
        .set_index(['ID1', 'ID2'])
        .pipe(lambda df:
                 df.columns.str.split('_', expand=True),
        .rename_axis([None, 'Ch'], axis='columns')

And that give me:

   ID1  ID2 Ch  Foc  Sat
0    r    1  A   10  100
1    r    1  B   15  105
2    r    1  C   17  107
3    r    2  A   20  110
4    r    2  B   25  115
5    r    2  C   27  117
6    s    1  A   30  120
7    s    1  B   35  125
8    s    1  C   37  127
9    s    2  A   40  130
10   s    2  B   45  135
11   s    2  C   47  137

Solution 3:

Let us do wide_to_long

df = pd.wide_to_long(df,['Foc','Sat'],i=['ID1','ID2'],j='Ch',sep='_',suffix='\w+').reset_index()
   ID1  ID2 Ch  Foc  Sat
0    r    1  A   10  100
1    r    1  B   15  105
2    r    1  C   17  107
3    r    2  A   20  110
4    r    2  B   25  115
5    r    2  C   27  117
6    s    1  A   30  120
7    s    1  B   35  125
8    s    1  C   37  127
9    s    2  A   40  130
10   s    2  B   45  135
11   s    2  C   47  137

Solution 4:

you could also achieve this with .melt, .groupby and np.where:

df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['ID1','ID2','Foc_A', 'Foc_B', 'Foc_C'], var_name='Ch', value_name='Sat') \
    .groupby(['ID1','ID2','Ch']).agg({'Foc_A':'max','Foc_B':'max', 'Foc_C':'max','Sat':'max'}).reset_index()
df['Foc'] = np.where((df['Ch'] == 'Sat_A'), df['Foc_A'], '')
df['Foc'] = np.where((df['Ch'] == 'Sat_B'), df['Foc_B'], df['Foc'])
df['Foc'] = np.where((df['Ch'] == 'Sat_C'), df['Foc_C'], df['Foc'])
df['Ch'] = df['Ch'].str.replace('Sat_', '')
df = df.drop(['Foc_A', 'Foc_B', 'Foc_C'], axis=1)


    ID1 ID2 Ch      Sat Foc
0   r   1   A       100 10
1   r   1   B       105 15
2   r   1   C       107 17
3   r   2   A       110 20
4   r   2   B       115 25
5   r   2   C       117 27
6   s   1   A       120 30
7   s   1   B       125 35
8   s   1   C       127 37
9   s   2   A       130 40
10  s   2   B       135 45
11  s   2   C       137 47

Solution 5:

Creating a multi_index then using stack

df = df.set_index(['ID1','ID2'])

df.columns = df.columns.str.split('_',expand=True)

df1 = df.stack(1).reset_index().rename(columns={'level_2' : 'Ch'})

   ID1  ID2 Ch  Foc  Sat
0    r    1  A   10  100
1    r    1  B   15  105
2    r    1  C   17  107
3    r    2  A   20  110
4    r    2  B   25  115
5    r    2  C   27  117
6    s    1  A   30  120
7    s    1  B   35  125
8    s    1  C   37  127
9    s    2  A   40  130
10   s    2  B   45  135
11   s    2  C   47  137

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