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Python Fails To Compare Strings

I'm facing a strange problem in python. I have a maze, x's stand for walls, g is a goal, s is the starting point and the numbers are portals which bring you from one number to the

Solution 1:

its hard to write out for loops once you're familliar with list comprehensions

but perhaps you can work backwards from my example list comps with

I added line breaks and leading whitespace inside the listcomps in an atempt to help readability

you should also see that enumerate is very helpful in these types of indexing loops with test on elements

maze = ['xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
 'x2                 x',
 'x       xxx        x',
 'x1   x xxxxx    x',
 'x   s     x        x',
 'x       x x  xxxxxxx',
 'x  xx xxxxx        x',
 'x      x      g    x',
 'x1  x  2        x',

prtls = [[c, (j, k)]
         fork, ln inenumerate(maze)
            forj, c inenumerate(ln) if c.isdigit()]
Out[206]: [['2', (1, 1)], ['1', (4, 3)], ['1', (4, 8)], ['2', (10, 8)]]

grpd_prtls = [[n, [p[1]
               forpin prtls if p[0] == n]]
              forninsorted(set(p[0] forpin prtls))]
Out[207]: [['1', [(4, 3), (4, 8)]], ['2', [(1, 1), (10, 8)]]]

the grpd_prtls is sorted by portal number sorted(set(p[0] for p in prtls))

to calc 'Manhatten Distance' from my grpd_prtls, assmuming just 2 portals per number

[[p[0], sum(abs(a-b)
            for a, b in zip(*p[1]))]
 for p in grpd_prtls] 
Out[214]: [['1', 5], ['2', 16]]

Solution 2:

In your findPortal method, you create a list that will contain the coordinates of your portals. At the end it should be something like this (it's random numbers) : portals = [[2,5], [5,1], ...]

In your portalHeuristic, in your condition maze[i][j] == maze[portal[0]][portal[1]], portal[0] = [2,5] and portal[1] = [5,1]. So basically, you're doing maze[i][j] == maze[[2,5]][[5,1]] which it is strange that python didn't raise an exception. So that's why your condition is always false.

That being stated, your code is very inefficient. You iterate over the maze to find portals and then reiterate again (and 4 times since you have 4 portals) on your maze. What about pairing the portals directly when you search them? You can use a dictionary with the key being the number of your portal (here 1 or 2), it can even be the character "1" or "2" and not the number, and the value would be a list with 2 elements, each element is the coordinate of the portal.

    portals = {} #That's a dictfor i inrange(0, len(maze)):
        for j inrange(0, len(maze[i])):
            if (maze[i][j] != 'g'and maze[i][j] != 's'and maze[i][j] != 'x'and maze[i][j] != ' '):
                if maze[i][j] in portals:
                    # We already have one, put the other
                    # It is the first one
                    portals[maze[i][j]] = [[i,j]]
    return portals

Good luck from there!

You can see dictionaries as a list where the key do not need to be a number and do not have to be sequential (if you have 5 items in your list, they will be accessible with list[0], list[1], etc..). So if you want to access an item in your dict, just pass the key. In your heuristic, you seem to want to find the distance between [x1, y1] and the first portal discovered in your list and sum it with the other distance between the portal associated and [x2, y2]. That is a bit too specific, you can specify the portal you wanna check (like '1' or '2').

Therefore your function become:

defportalHeuristic(portals, x1, y1, x2, y2, portal_number):
    # Check if the portal exist in you listif portal_number notin portals:
        print("This portal number is not in the list")
        return# This line is a shortcut. Since we know that portals[x] is a list of # two elements (coordinates of both portals with the same number), # you can assign the first element with first_portal and the second element # with second_portal.
    first_portal, second_portal = portals[portal_number]
    returnabs(x1 - first_portal[0]) + abs(y1 - first_portal[1]) 
                        + abs(x2 - second_portal[0]) + abs(y2 - second_portal[1]))

Don't forget that your keys are character there ('1' or '2') and not 1 or 2 (integers). portal_number should be a character then.

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