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Is There A Way To Execute Jq From Python

I'm trying to execute a jq command from my python script. Currently the jq command is working fine when I execute from the terminal (MacOs). cat filename.json |jq '{, add

Solution 1:

From the jq FAQ:

Q: What bindings are available for Python?


pip install jq # For details, see

pip install pyjq # For details, see

As for your nested array, looping through it sounds like something that can (and maybe should) be done within jq.

Solution 2:

I believe the accepted answer should be peak's one, as the proper way to use a C api in python is via a python binding lib, and both and should work as expected.

That being said, since we are talking about python, I would like to bring an alternative that is much more pythonic: glom (pip install glom,

Instead of using a DSL like in jq, with glom you just declare the output in the format you want, using pure python (this output format is called spec). In this case, you want a simple dict:

spec = {'Name': 'name',
        'street': 'address.0.1.street'}

and then just call glom on your data:

output_data = glom(input_data, spec)

Just like jq, you can also use glom on command line:

cat filename.json | glom "{'Name': 'name', 'street': 'address.0.1.street'}"

A complete python example:

import json
from pprint import pprint
from glom import glom

with open('filename.json', 'rt') as f:
    input_data = json.load(f)

spec = {'Name': 'name',
        'street': 'address.0.1.street'}

output_data = glom(input_data, spec)


Solution 3:

The sh module makes it easy invoke a jq subprocess from python. e.g.

import sh
cmd = sh.jq('-M', '{, address:.address[0][1].street}', 'filename.json')
print "cmd returned >>%s<<" % cmd.stdout

Solution 4:

  1. Can I execute this command from a python script

Yes, using subprocess. Example:

jsonFile = '/path/to/your/filename.json'
jq_cmd = "/bin/jq '{, address:.address[0][1].street}' " + jsonFile
jq_proc = subprocess.Popen(jq_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

# read JSON object, convert to string, store as a dictionary

jDict = json.loads(
  1. If it can be done, then how would I loop through for the nested array elements in the sample data give above (address[][].street)

It would help to see a JSON data set with a few records. For looping through JSON sets in python with jq, it is easy to get a count of the objects and then iterate. A slight bit of overhead but it makes the code easy to understand.

# count number of JSON records from the root level

jq_cmd = "/bin/jq '. | length' " + jsonFile
jq_proc = subprocess.Popen(jq_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

jObjCount = int(

# iterate over each root level JSON record

for ix in range(jObjCount):

  jq_cmd = "jq '. | .[" + str(ix) + "]' " + jsonFile 
  jq_proc = subprocess.Popen(jq_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

  # read object, convert to string, store as a python dictionary

  jDict = json.loads(

  # iterate over nested objects within a root level object    
  # as before, count number items but here for each root level JSON object

  jq_cmd = "/bin/jq '. | .[" + str(ix) + "].sub_Item_Key | length' " + jsonFile
  jq_proc = subprocess.Popen(jq_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
  jItemCount = int(

  for jx in range(jItemCount):

     jq_cmd = "/bin/jq '. | .[" + str(ix) + "].sub_Item_Key[" + str(jx) + "]' " + jsonFile
     jq_proc = subprocess.Popen(jq_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

     # read JSON item, convert to string, store as a python dictionary

     jItemDict = json.loads(


Solution 5:

Yes. Using plumbum.

from plumbum.cmd import jq, cat

(cat["filename.json"] | jq ["{, address:.address[0][1].street}"])()

The result of the above command is a JSON object, that can be parsed to a Python object using json.loads.

You might also be interested in jello, which is like jq but uses Python as query language.

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