How Do I Properly Insert The Numbers That I Pressed On In My Calculator Into The Text Widget At The Last Index?
Solution 1:
The index "end" represents the position just after the last character in the widget.
output.insert("end", num)
From the official documentaton:
end - Indicates the character just after the last one in the entry's string. This is equivalent to specifying a numerical index equal to the length of the entry's string.
Solution 2:
You are working way too hard. You have to consider that your buttons are all the exact same thing, from a graphical standpoint. You could build your entire interface in just a few lines. Since every button is going to call calc
, simply write conditional statements in calc
to handle the various possibilities. You could build the entire functionality of a calculator in that one function.
import tkinter as tk
window = tk.Tk()
#output for calculator
output = tk.Text(window, font = 'none 12 bold', height=4, width=25, wrap='word')
output.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, pady=10)
def calc(data):
if data.isnumeric() or data == '.':
output.insert('end', data)
elif data in ['-', '+', '*', '/']:
#write code for handling operators
pass #delete this line
elif data == '=':
#write code for handling equals
pass #delete this line
elif data == 'pos':
if output.get('1.0', '1.1') == '-':
output.delete('1.0', '1.1')
elif data == 'neg':
if output.get('1.0', '1.1') != '-':
output.insert('1.0', '-')
elif data in 'CE':
if 'C' in data:
output.delete('1.0', 'end')
if 'E' in data:
#clear your storage
pass #delete this line
btn = dict(width=7, height=3)
pad = dict(padx=5, pady=5)
#all of your buttons
for i, t in enumerate(['pos', 'neg', 'C', 'CE', '7', '8', '9', '/', '4', '5', '6', '*', '1', '2', '3', '-', '0', '.', '+', '=']):
tk.Button(window, text=t, command=lambda d=t: calc(d), **btn).grid(row=i//4+1, column=i%4, **pad)
#run calculator
I made a fully working OOP version of your calculator based on the example I just gave you. It's probably not perfect. I only spent 10 minutes on it. I added key bindings so you don't have to click buttons. You can expand this, learn from it, ignore it ... whatever makes you happy.
import tkinter as tk
class App(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.oper = ['/', '*', '-', '+']
self.queue = []
self.result = 0
self.equate = False
self.output = tk.Text(self, font='Consolas 18 bold', height=2, width=20, wrap='word')
self.output.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, pady=8, padx=4)
btn = dict(width=6, height=3, font='Consolas 12 bold')
pad = dict(pady=2)
special = dict(neg='<Shift-Key-->',pos='<Shift-Key-+>',C='<Key-Delete>',CE='<Key-End>')
for i, t in enumerate(['pos', 'neg', 'C', 'CE', '7', '8', '9', '/', '4', '5', '6', '*', '1', '2', '3', '-', '0', '.', '+', '=']):
tk.Button(self, text=t, command=lambda d=t: self.calc(d), **btn).grid(row=i//4+1, column=i%4, **pad)
if t.isnumeric() or t in self.oper or t == '.':
self.bind_all(f'<Key-{t}>', lambda e, d=t: self.calc(d))
elif t == '=':
self.bind_all('<Return>', lambda e, d=t: self.calc(d))
self.bind_all(special[t], lambda e, d=t: self.calc(d))
def calc(self, input):
if input.isnumeric() or input == '.':
self.output.insert('end', input)
elif input == 'pos':
if self.output.get('1.0', '1.1') == '-':
self.output.delete('1.0', '1.1')
elif input == 'neg':
if self.output.get('1.0', '1.1') != '-':
self.output.insert('1.0', '-')
elif input in self.oper and (t := self.output.get('1.0', 'end-1c')):
if not self.equate:
self.output.delete('1.0', 'end')
self.equate = False
elif input == '=' and len(self.queue):
self.equate = True
if self.queue[-1] in self.oper:
self.queue.append(self.output.get('1.0', 'end-1c'))
elif len(self.queue) > 2:
self.queue = self.queue+self.queue[-2:]
self.result = str(eval(' '.join(self.queue)))
self.output.delete('1.0', 'end')
self.output.insert('end', self.result)
elif input in 'CE':
if 'C' in input:
self.output.delete('1.0', 'end')
if 'E' in input:
self.queue = []
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = App()
app.resizable(width=False, height=False)
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