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Gae: Python Code To Check If I'm On Dev_appserver Or Deployed To Appspot

My GAE app uses OAUTH 2. Currently, I manually switch the redirect_uri between http://localhost:8081/oauth2callback and depending on whether do loc

Solution 1:

You can get you current domain name with os.environ['SERVER_NAME'].

You also can check this by version name:

import os
if os.environ['APPLICATION_ID'].startswith('dev'):
  pass# it's localhostelse:
  pass# it's uploaded on gae

Will be better to use self.uri_for('callback-uri-name', _full=True) for building callback uri if you use webapp2.

You have something like this in your routes.

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
    webapp2.Route(r'/oauth/callback', handler='oauth.CallbackHandler', name='callback-uri-name'),

Then, if you'll call self.uri_for('callback-uri-name', _full=True) you'll get something like http://localhost:8080/oauth/callback or

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