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Showing posts from October, 2023

Draw Over Image In A Qlabel With Pyqt5

I want to draw over image with my mouse. I simplified the problem by this code. When i uncomment th… Read more Draw Over Image In A Qlabel With Pyqt5

How To Plot Keras Activation Functions In A Notebook

I wanted to plot all Keras activation functions but some of them are not working. i.e. linear throw… Read more How To Plot Keras Activation Functions In A Notebook

How To Create Simple 3-layer Neural Network And Teach It Using Supervised Learning?

Based on PyBrain's tutorials I managed to knock together the following code: #!/usr/bin/env pyt… Read more How To Create Simple 3-layer Neural Network And Teach It Using Supervised Learning?

Convert Decimal To Ternary(base3) In Python

I am trying to make a decimal number ternary in a python function. My idea was to keep dividing unt… Read more Convert Decimal To Ternary(base3) In Python

Python: How To Compute The Distance Between Cells?

Let's suppose I want to compute the distance between cells in a square grid 5x5. The distance b… Read more Python: How To Compute The Distance Between Cells?

Rotation Of A Sprite On A Circle

There's a sprite moving on a circle centered around the screen center with radius = 30 pixels. … Read more Rotation Of A Sprite On A Circle

Elasticsearch Delete_by_query Wrong Usage

I am using 2 similar ES methods to load and delete documents: result ='users_f… Read more Elasticsearch Delete_by_query Wrong Usage

How To Iterate Over Worksheets In Workbook, Openpyxl

I've been using the openpyxl module to do some processing on some .xlsx files. I've been tr… Read more How To Iterate Over Worksheets In Workbook, Openpyxl

How To Convert A Spline Fit Into A Piecewise Function?

Let's say I have import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline # 'true… Read more How To Convert A Spline Fit Into A Piecewise Function?

Basic 3d Voxel Grid In Mayavi

I'm trying to visualize a 3D array through Mayavi in Python. I simply want to create a structu… Read more Basic 3d Voxel Grid In Mayavi

Scrapy Exporting Weird Symbols Into Csv File

Ok, so here's the issue. I'm a beginner who has just started to delve into scrapy/python. … Read more Scrapy Exporting Weird Symbols Into Csv File

Keeping Python Interpreter Alive Only During The Life Of An Object Instance

I have defined a class for using python interpreter as follows: class pythonInt { public: pytho… Read more Keeping Python Interpreter Alive Only During The Life Of An Object Instance

Match Values Of Different Dataframes

This dataframe is the principal with the original tweets. 'original_ds_.csv' id … Read more Match Values Of Different Dataframes

Can't Install Msqlclient For Django/python3 [osx 10.12.4]

when I'm running python3 runserver I get this message: django.core.exceptions.Imprope… Read more Can't Install Msqlclient For Django/python3 [osx 10.12.4]

Selenium Scraping Javascript

I'm planning on making a website that scrapes a lot of daily updated URLS (JavaScript) from man… Read more Selenium Scraping Javascript

Getting Boto.exception.s3responseerror: S3responseerror: 403 Forbidden When Uploading File

There are a few other questions on this issue: boto.exception.S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 403… Read more Getting Boto.exception.s3responseerror: S3responseerror: 403 Forbidden When Uploading File

Finding The Longest Substring Of Repeating Characters In A String

(this is the basis for this codeforces problem) I try not to get help with codeforces problems unle… Read more Finding The Longest Substring Of Repeating Characters In A String

Selenium Python - Handling No Such Element Exception

I am writing automation test in Selenium using Python. One element may or may not be present. I am … Read more Selenium Python - Handling No Such Element Exception

Typeerror When Using Moviepy

In trying to learn a little about MoviePy, I copied some sample code (which I modified slightly) th… Read more Typeerror When Using Moviepy

Adding Lines From A Text File And Printing Out Result Using A For Loop - Python

Problem I have a set of 50 files, which contain 8192 lines of integers (after skipping the first 12… Read more Adding Lines From A Text File And Printing Out Result Using A For Loop - Python

Changing Get To Post In Python (flask)

I am trying to create a simple app where an array of integers is generated on the server and sent t… Read more Changing Get To Post In Python (flask)

Aws Lambda Deployment Package In Python Limites

I want to run my code on AWS lambda function. To do so, i need to import some python packages (i.e.… Read more Aws Lambda Deployment Package In Python Limites

Nameerror: Name 'execfile' Is Not Defined Installing Fandjango On Python3

I am trying to install fandjango by using: pip install fandjango However I get the error: Collect… Read more Nameerror: Name 'execfile' Is Not Defined Installing Fandjango On Python3

Should I Cache Range Results If I Reuse Them?

I'm relatively new to python, and I'm trying to optimize some code for a HackerRank problem… Read more Should I Cache Range Results If I Reuse Them?

How To Install Psycopg2 With Pg_config Error?

I've tried to install psycopg2 (PostgreSQL Database adapater) from this site, but when I try to… Read more How To Install Psycopg2 With Pg_config Error?

Getting Error "can Only Apply 'exp' Function To Dimensionless Quantities", Not Sure How To Fix This

I have been working on converting some MatLab code over to python for one of my professors (not an … Read more Getting Error "can Only Apply 'exp' Function To Dimensionless Quantities", Not Sure How To Fix This

How To Calculate Frequency Of Elements For Pairwise Comparisons Of Lists In Python?

I have the the sample stored in the following list sample = [AAAA,CGCG,TTTT,AT-T,CATC] .. To illu… Read more How To Calculate Frequency Of Elements For Pairwise Comparisons Of Lists In Python?

Pandaic Way To Check Whether A Dataframe Has Any Rows

Given a dataframe df, I'd apply some condition df[condition] and retrieve a subset. I just want… Read more Pandaic Way To Check Whether A Dataframe Has Any Rows

How To Get Value Of Pixels Which Are At A Certain Angle From Another Pixel?

I'm trying to implement a method where I have to obtain the values of all those pixels which fo… Read more How To Get Value Of Pixels Which Are At A Certain Angle From Another Pixel?

Find A Pattern In The Line Of Another File In Python

I'm learning python so I have two files with a lot of lines: file 1 71528 1452 14587 file 2 co… Read more Find A Pattern In The Line Of Another File In Python

How Does Python's Global Keyword Work?

import json def test(): print json.dumps({'k': 'v'}) import json if __nam… Read more How Does Python's Global Keyword Work?

Add Entry To Beginning Of List And Remove The Last One

I have a list of about 40 entries. And I frequently want to append an item to the start of the list… Read more Add Entry To Beginning Of List And Remove The Last One

Sqlite - Return All Columns For Max Of One Column Without Repeats

Im using Python to query a SQL database. I'm fairly new with databases. I've tried looking … Read more Sqlite - Return All Columns For Max Of One Column Without Repeats

Sentence Similarity Using Keras

I'm trying to implement sentence similarity architecture based on this work using the STS datas… Read more Sentence Similarity Using Keras

Pytorch Equivalent To Tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits And Tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits

I found the post here. Here, we try to find an equivalence of tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logi… Read more Pytorch Equivalent To Tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits And Tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits

Sympy Fails To Integrate The Product Of A Piecewise Continuous Function And A Complex Function Across The Discontinuity

If I do: from sympy import * x, L = symbols('x L', real=True) f = Piecewise((1, x<=0), (… Read more Sympy Fails To Integrate The Product Of A Piecewise Continuous Function And A Complex Function Across The Discontinuity

Output Pcl From Word Document Using Python

I'm building a web application which will include functionality that takes MS Word (and possibl… Read more Output Pcl From Word Document Using Python

Python Tcp Socket.recv() Returns With Nothing As Soon As Connection Is Made

I'm trying to implement the most basic python TCP server. Windows 8, Python 2.7, firewall is t… Read more Python Tcp Socket.recv() Returns With Nothing As Soon As Connection Is Made

How Do I Add A Layout To A Qtablewidget In Pyqt?

I have my qtablewidget defined like this: def __init__(self, parent = None): super(Window, … Read more How Do I Add A Layout To A Qtablewidget In Pyqt?

Pulpsolvererror: Pulp: Error While Trying To Execute Glpsol In Python 2.7

I'm running PuLP on OS X via a iPython notebook and Python 2.7. glpk is installed using brew in… Read more Pulpsolvererror: Pulp: Error While Trying To Execute Glpsol In Python 2.7

How Do I Correctly Submit Results From A Wtformusing Jinja With A Python /flask Setup

What I'm trying to do Instead of using form.predictions() I've tried to separate it out so … Read more How Do I Correctly Submit Results From A Wtformusing Jinja With A Python /flask Setup

How To Get "pdf" File From The Binary Data Of Softlayer's Quote?

I got the binary data by 'getPdf' method of SoftLayer's API. Ref. BillingSoftLayer_Bill… Read more How To Get "pdf" File From The Binary Data Of Softlayer's Quote?

Visual Studio Code: Python Selector Defaults To Version 2 Even When Python V3 Selected

Visual Studio Code runs Python2 even when Python3 interpreter is selected. I run the code by pressi… Read more Visual Studio Code: Python Selector Defaults To Version 2 Even When Python V3 Selected

Python Selenium Disable Os Pop-ups

I am trying to automate the file downloading process with selenium in Python. Until now I succeeded… Read more Python Selenium Disable Os Pop-ups

Set Pyrouge_set_rouge_path Error

I have Windows 7 and use Python 3.4 I'm trying to work with ROUGE installing pyrouge from pypi.… Read more Set Pyrouge_set_rouge_path Error

Pyexcel / Openpyxl __init__() Got An Unexpected Keyword Argument Error

I am receiving the following error stack when attempting to upload files back to our application. T… Read more Pyexcel / Openpyxl __init__() Got An Unexpected Keyword Argument Error

Trigger File Download Within Ipython Notebook

Given an iPython notebook running on an external server, is there a way to trigger a file download?… Read more Trigger File Download Within Ipython Notebook

Add Points To The Existing Matplotlib Scatter Plot

How to add points to the existing diagram? The straightforward solution is to plot a new scatter, a… Read more Add Points To The Existing Matplotlib Scatter Plot

Setting Parameters In Pyomo

I am using CPLEX with pyomo. I would like to set the parameter = 1. How to do … Read more Setting Parameters In Pyomo

(python) Using Modulo To Get The Remainder From Changing Secs, To Hrs And Minutes

I'm currently new to learning python and stumbled upon this problem: Exercise 2-7 Get the Tim… Read more (python) Using Modulo To Get The Remainder From Changing Secs, To Hrs And Minutes Not Working ( Command Not Found)

I'm having trouble getting to work... it's in this first location: /Users/m… Read more Not Working ( Command Not Found)

Uwsgi + Flask Logging.config Not Working And Also Breaks Application

Been looking for an answer for the last 5 hours and found nothing. I have a flask (python 2.7) appl… Read more Uwsgi + Flask Logging.config Not Working And Also Breaks Application

Add To A Dataframe As I Go With Datetime Index

I am trying to get it so that as I loop over a list of things I can add into a dataframe the quanti… Read more Add To A Dataframe As I Go With Datetime Index

Does Python Scrapy Work Properly On Localhost?

I have written a scrapy spider to scrape out some html tags. Now the problem is that this spider wo… Read more Does Python Scrapy Work Properly On Localhost?

Truncate Beginning Of String With Str.format

I'd like to allign a string to the right but have its beginning be truncated instead of its end… Read more Truncate Beginning Of String With Str.format

How To Pass Parameters Other Than Data Through Pool.imap() Function For Multiprocessing In Python?

I am working on hyperspectral images. To reduce the noise from the image I am using wavelet transfo… Read more How To Pass Parameters Other Than Data Through Pool.imap() Function For Multiprocessing In Python?

Matplotlib Surface Plot Hides Scatter Points Which Should Be In Front

Yet another question about matplotlib 3d surfaces... I have code which adds a scatter point to a ma… Read more Matplotlib Surface Plot Hides Scatter Points Which Should Be In Front

Error Saving And Loading A List Of Matrices

I have a list 'data_list', and I would save it in order to load it in another script. First… Read more Error Saving And Loading A List Of Matrices

Error While Installing Django-channels On Python 3.5 On Windows

I'm also getting the same error while installing Twisted. Here's version info: Django : … Read more Error While Installing Django-channels On Python 3.5 On Windows

Using Cookie With Request

I am trying to send cookie with URL for request. But I am getting no output. The code: header ={(&#… Read more Using Cookie With Request

How To Give Permission To Other Pc To Add Data To My Database In My Computer

I made a python program here and i wanted to send the code to my friend and he was unable to add va… Read more How To Give Permission To Other Pc To Add Data To My Database In My Computer

How To Comma Separate An Array Of Integers In Python?

I have a list of integers, i want to convert them into comma separated integers, how can i actually… Read more How To Comma Separate An Array Of Integers In Python?