List Item Keeps Same Memory Address Following Sort/copy
Solution 1:
Python caches small integers internally (up to 256).
a = 1
b = 1
assert a is b
c = 257
d = 257
assert c is d # raises AssertionError
Solution 2:
Internally (CPython) the list object stores references to the Python objects it contains. Therefore adding the contents of one list to another won't create new objects. It'll only increment the reference count.
Solution 3:
To add on top of @LukaszR. answer.
While small integers share the same id, copied lists do not.
>>>a = [1,2,3]>>>b = a[:]>>>c = a>>>id(a[0]) == id(b[0])
>>>id(a) == id(b)
>>>id(c) == id(a)
Solution 4:
13897976 #newly created object id
>>>b = 5
This time python finds for 5 integer object, if it finds 5 just it tags another name to 5(above it tags for b).
13897976 # existing 5 integer object id
>>>list1= [25, 5, 0, 'python']
Same happens when creating list when you are assigning objects to list, it searches for object in memory if python finds object it just tags list index to that object. if not it will create new memory for that object
13897976 # existing 5 integer object id
>>>p= 'python'>>>id(p)
Same thing happen for dictionary's functions, and in your code. more information click
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