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Python Regex To Match Words Not Having Dot

I want to accept only those strings having the pattern 'wild.flower', 'pink.flower',...i.e any word preceding '.flower', but the word should not contain dot. For example, 'pink.blu

Solution 1:

You are looking for "^\w+\.flower$".

Solution 2:

Is this sufficient?


Solution 3:

Here is the regex for you. ^([^\.]*)\.flower$. Example:

Solution 4:

Your case of is unclear. There are 2 possibilities:

  • Match only blue (cut off preceding dot and what was before).
  • Reject this case altogether (you want to match a word preceding .floweronly if it is not preceded with a dot).

In the first case accept other answers.

But if you want the second solution, use: \b(?<!\.)[a-z]+(?=\.flower).


  • \b - Start from a word boundary (but it allows the "after a dot" case).
  • (?<!\.) - Negative lookbehind - exclude the "after a dot" case.
  • [a-z]+ - Match a sequence of letters.
  • (?=\.flower) - Positive lookahead for .flower.

I assumed that you have only lower case letters, but if it is not the case, then add i (case insensitive) option.

Another remark: Other answers include \w, which matches also digits and _ or even [^\.] - any char other than a dot (including e.g. \n).

Are you happy with that? If you aren't, change to [a-z] (again, maybe with i option).

Solution 5:

To match any character except a newline or a dot you could use a negated character class[^.\r\n]+ and repeat that one or more times and use anchors to assert the start ^ and the end $ of the line.


Or you could specify in a character class which characters you would allow to match followed by a dot \. and flower.


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