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Lyrics Command In

So I was trying to make a lyrics command using the lyrics ovh api in and I'm getting this error : 'An error occurred: Command raised an exception: KeyError: 'lyrics'' im

Solution 1:

If lyrics not in your json object then python will raise KeyError. If you want to avoid from this, you can use get method.

data = {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"

value1 = data["key1"] #no error
value2 = data.get("key2") #no error
value3 = data["key3"] #this will raise KeyError because key3 not in data
value3 = data.get("key3") #this will not raise any error and return default value
value3 = data.get("key3", "No lyrics could be found.") #we passed the default value so this will return
         #"No lyrics could be found" if key3 is not exist in json

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