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Python Smtplib: Only The First Email Out Of Several Arrives To Destination

I have put together a function send_email [1] to send emails with support for plain-text and html messages. It works well, but I have an issue I don't quite know how to debug. My s

Solution 1:

A working solution I had for sending email:

from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.Utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate
from email import Encoders
import smtplib

        """ Class defines method to send email
        """def__init__(self, mailFrom, server, usrname, password, files, debug=False):
                self.debug = debug
                self.mailFrom = mailFrom
                self.smtpserver = server
                self.EMAIL_PORT = 587
                self.usrname = usrname
                self.password = password

        defsendMessage(self, subject, msgContent, files, mailto):
            """ Send the email message

                    subject(string): subject for the email
                    msgContent(string): email message Content
                    files(List): list of files to be attached
                    mailto(string): email address to be sent to

            msg = self.prepareMail(subject, msgContent, files, mailto)

            # connect to server and send email
            server=smtplib.SMTP(self.smtpserver, port=self.EMAIL_PORT)
            # use encrypted SSL mode
            # to make starttls work
            server.login(self.usrname, self.password)
                failed = server.sendmail(self.mailFrom, mailto, msg.as_string())
            except Exception as er:
                print er

        defprepareMail(self, subject, msgHTML, attachments, mailto):
            """ Prepare the email to send
                    subject(string): subject of the email.
                    msgHTML(string): HTML formatted email message Content.
                    attachments(List): list of file paths to be attached with email. 
            msg = MIMEMultipart()
            msg['From'] = self.mailFrom
            msg['To'] = mailto
            msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
            msg['Subject'] = subject

            #the Body message
            msg.attach(MIMEText(msgHTML, 'html'))
            msg.attach(MIMEText("Add signature here"))
            if attachments:
                for phile in attachments:
                        # we could check for MIMETypes here
                        part = MIMEBase('application',"octet-stream")
                        part.set_payload(open(phile, "rb").read())
                        part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(phile))
            return msg

I hope this helps.

Solution 2:

My Working solution to format your list in this manner (after many hours of experiment):

["", "", ""]

I used:

to_address = list(str(self.to_address_list).split(","))

to convert my QString into string then into list with splitting with a ","

In my case COMMASPACE was not working, because on splitting a space was already added by default.

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