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Python Multiple User Arguments To A List

I've got not words to thank you all of you for such great advice. Now everything started to make sense. I apologize for for my bad variable naming. It was just because I wanted to

Solution 1:

I would say what you are doing could be done more simply. If you want to split the input whenever a colon appears you could use:

import sys

# sys.argv is the list of arguments you pass when you run the program# but sys.argv[0] is the actual program name# so you want to start at sys.argv[1]for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    listVar = arg.split(':')
    for i in listVar:
        print i
    # Optionally print a new lineprint

Solution 2:

Please name your variable with respect to context. You will need to use nargs=* for accepting multiple arguments. I have added the updated code below which prints as you wanted.

#!/usr/bin/pythonimport argparse
import re
import string

p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument("input", help="input the data in format ip:port:name", nargs='*')  
args = p.parse_args()
kkk_list = args.input# ['', '']deffunc_three(help):
    for i inhelp:

for kkk in kkk_list:
    bb = re.split(":|,", kkk) 

# This prints# 80# name1# 100# name3

Updated Code for new requirement

#!/usr/bin/pythonimport argparse
import re
import string

p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument("input", help="input the data in format ip:port:name", nargs='*')  
args = p.parse_args()
kkk_list = args.input# ['', '']defprintInFormat(ip, port, name):
    formattedText = '''HOST Address:{ip}:PORT:{port} 
                        mode tcp 
                        bind {ip}:{port} name {name}'''.format(ip=ip, 
    textWithoutExtraWhitespaces =  '\n'.join([line.strip() for line in formattedText.splitlines()])
    # you can break above thing# text = ""# for line in formattedText.splitlines():#       text += line.strip()#       text += "\n" print(formattedText)

for kkk in kkk_list:
    ip, port, name = re.split(":|,", kkk)

    printInFormat(ip, port, name)

# HOST Address: mode tcp# bind name name1# HOST Address: mode tcp# bind name name3

Solution 3:

Bad variable names aside, if you want to use argparse (which I think is a good habit, even if it is somewhat more complex initially) you should use the nargs='+' option:

#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport argparse
import re
import string

p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument("INPUT", nargs='+')  
args = p.parse_args()

    for i inhelp:
        #print helpreturnhelpfor kkk in KKK:
    bb=re.split(":|,", kkk)
    YY = var1, var2, var3 = func_three(bb[0:3])
    print YY

Solution 4:

If you look at the documentation for argparse, you'll notice that there's an nargs argument you can pass to add_argument, which allows you to group more than one input.

For example:

p.add_argument('INPUT', nargs='+')

Would make it so that there is a minimum of one argument, but all arguments will be gathered into a list.

Then you can go through each of your inputs like this:

args = p.parse_args()
for address in args.INPUT:
    ip, port = address.split(':')

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