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Vectorization And Matrix Multiplication By Scalars

I am new to python/numpy. I need to do the following calculation: for an array of discrete times t, calculate $e^{At}$ for a $2\times 2$ matrix $A$ What I did: def calculate(t_,x_

Solution 1:

A pure numpy calculation of t_ is (creates an array instead of a list):

In [254]: t = 5*np.arange(1,n+1)*np.pi/n
In [255]: t
array([ 1.57079633,  3.14159265,  4.71238898,  6.28318531,  7.85398163,
        9.42477796, 10.99557429, 12.56637061, 14.13716694, 15.70796327])

In [256]: a_11,a_12, a_21, a_22=0,1,-omega_0^2,-c
In [257]: a_11
Out[257]: 0
In [258]: A = np.array([[a_11,a_12], [a_21, a_22]]) 
In [259]: A
array([[ 0,  1],
       [-3, -1]])
In [260]: t.shape
Out[260]: (10,)
In [261]: A.shape
Out[261]: (2, 2)
In [262]: A_ = np.array([A  for k in  range (1,n+1,1)])
In [263]: A_.shape
Out[263]: (10, 2, 2)

A_ is np.ndarray. I made A a np.ndarray as well; yours is np.matrix, but your A_ will still be np.ndarray. np.matrix can only be 2d, where as A_ is 3d.

So t * A will be array elementwise multiplication, hence the broadcasting error, (10,) (10,2,2).

To do that elementwise multiplication right you need something like

In [264]: result= t[:,None,None]*A[None,:,:]
In [265]: result.shape
Out[265]: (10, 2, 2)

But if you want matrix multiplication of the (10,) with (10,2,2), then einsum does it easily:

In [266]: result1 = np.einsum('i,ijk', t, A_)
In [267]: result1
array([[   0.        ,   86.39379797],
       [-259.18139392,  -86.39379797]]) can't do it because its rule is 'last with 2nd to last'. tensordot can, but I'm more comfortable with einsum.

But that einsum expression makes it obvious (to me) that I can get the same thing from the elementwise *, by summing on the 1st axis:

In [268]: (t[:,None,None]*A[None,:,:]).sum(axis=0)
array([[   0.        ,   86.39379797],
       [-259.18139392,  -86.39379797]])

Or (t[:,None,None]*A[None,:,:]).cumsum(axis=0) to get a 2x2 for each time.

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