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Blitting Text In Pygame

Im making a game to practice mygame and im creating a highscore screen but i cant seem to properly blit the text how i want here is the highscore method def high_screen(self):

Solution 1:

You could make a file for each score and then simply do something like:

screen.blit(label1, (0, 0))
screen.blit(labe2, (0, 100))
screen.blit(labe3, (0, 100))

Solution 2:

if your score is in a file which suppose looks like this:

score1 - 10

score2 - 23

score3 - 34

then you can use this to separate the scores into different texts

scorelist = [text.split('\n') for text in open('score.txt','r')]
##when you read the file from python you will get this string : score1 - 10\nscore2 - 23\nscore3 - 34

then to bit this onto a surface, use this code:

for i in enumerate(scorelist,1):

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