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Showing posts from August, 2024

Python Tkinter's Entry.get() Does Not Work, How Can I Fix It?

I am building a simple program for university. We have to convert our code to an interface. Ive man… Read more Python Tkinter's Entry.get() Does Not Work, How Can I Fix It?

Baselineremoval Package For Background Fluorescence/noise Removal

I'm trying to use the BaselineRemoval package to remove background fluorescence from some Raman… Read more Baselineremoval Package For Background Fluorescence/noise Removal

Cannot Import Asgi_application Module While Runserver Using Channels 2

I have followed the channels tutorial but while running these error throw Version of the packages i… Read more Cannot Import Asgi_application Module While Runserver Using Channels 2

How To Restrict The Acess To A Few Users In Pytelegrambotapi?

I'm using telebot ( to create a bot to send photo… Read more How To Restrict The Acess To A Few Users In Pytelegrambotapi?

Sorting A Text File Alphabetically (python)

I would like to sort the file 'shopping.txt' in alphabetical order shopping = open('sho… Read more Sorting A Text File Alphabetically (python)

How To Right Click On A Folder And Select From Context Menu Using Pywinauto?

I'm writing automation tests for a cloud syncing desktop application. The problem I'm facin… Read more How To Right Click On A Folder And Select From Context Menu Using Pywinauto?

Convert Dictionary To List Of Float-element

I want to convert this dictionary to a list of float elements. I have some code, but I don't kn… Read more Convert Dictionary To List Of Float-element

Convert Pandas Series Of Lists To Dataframe

I have a series made of lists import pandas as pd s = pd.Series([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) and I want… Read more Convert Pandas Series Of Lists To Dataframe

Blitting Text In Pygame

Im making a game to practice mygame and im creating a highscore screen but i cant seem to properly … Read more Blitting Text In Pygame

Update Tkinter Label From Serial Data Whenever There's New Data From Serial Port Python 3.x

I have encounter this problem where i could not display any value on the label which i wanted to co… Read more Update Tkinter Label From Serial Data Whenever There's New Data From Serial Port Python 3.x

Python Print Immediately?

I noticed that in python when I use a print statement, that it doesn't print immediately. I fou… Read more Python Print Immediately?

Python Smtplib Send_message() Failing, Returning Attributeerror: 'str' Object Has No Attribute 'get_all'

I'm working on an project where I have to use the smtplib and email modules in Python 3.4 to se… Read more Python Smtplib Send_message() Failing, Returning Attributeerror: 'str' Object Has No Attribute 'get_all'

Locust Error: Httperror (u'405 Client Error: Not Allowed For Url: Https://..../login')

I am trying to do load test of a web server and I disabled the ssl certificate for that site using … Read more Locust Error: Httperror (u'405 Client Error: Not Allowed For Url: Https://..../login')

Python: Split Hard Coded Path

I need to split a path up in python and then remove the last two levels. Here is an example, the pa… Read more Python: Split Hard Coded Path

How To Create A List Of Modulelists

Is it ok to create a python-list of PyTorch modulelists? If for example, I want to have a few Conv… Read more How To Create A List Of Modulelists

Blocking Off Text With Blank Lines In Sphinx (python)

I'm looking to include program usage in a Sphinx document, but am having trouble enclosing the … Read more Blocking Off Text With Blank Lines In Sphinx (python)

Serialization Problem Using Protobuf Between Python And Nodejs

I got a compatible problem when serialize a protobuf message between python and nodejs. I have a pr… Read more Serialization Problem Using Protobuf Between Python And Nodejs

"import Wx" Fails After Installation Of Wxpython On Windows Xp

I downloaded and installed this version of wxPython for use with my Python 2.6 installation: http:/… Read more "import Wx" Fails After Installation Of Wxpython On Windows Xp

Python Convert Html Into Json Using Soup

These are the rules The HTML tags will start with any of the following , or The content of the H… Read more Python Convert Html Into Json Using Soup

Can I Use Rpy2 To Save A Pandas Dataframe To An .rdata File?

I never used rpy2 before, but I am just wondering if I could use it to save a python object (a pand… Read more Can I Use Rpy2 To Save A Pandas Dataframe To An .rdata File?

Scraping Multiple Web Pages Has The Same Results As The First Page Using Python

My question is about that I tried to get the product names from CME group website. However, why the… Read more Scraping Multiple Web Pages Has The Same Results As The First Page Using Python

Is Test Suite Deprecated In Pyunit?

Following the example in PyUnit, I came up with the following unittest code that works fine. impor… Read more Is Test Suite Deprecated In Pyunit?

Python Typeerror: Sequence Item 0: Expected Str Instance, Nonetype Found

I copied this code from a book: lyst = {'Hi':'Hello'} def changeWord(sentence): … Read more Python Typeerror: Sequence Item 0: Expected Str Instance, Nonetype Found

Find Windows Pid Of A Python Script With Windows Command Prompt

I am running two different python scripts running on a windows machine simultaneously and would lik… Read more Find Windows Pid Of A Python Script With Windows Command Prompt

Compilation Error. Attributeerror: 'module' Object Has No Attribute 'init'

Here is my small program, import pygame pygame.init() Here is my compilation command. python … Read more Compilation Error. Attributeerror: 'module' Object Has No Attribute 'init' Uptime

Using, I'm attempting to make a uptime script, im not sure if it would be a f string… Read more Uptime

Python Nesting Modules

I have spent a lot of time researching this and still cannot understand why I keep getting ImportEr… Read more Python Nesting Modules

Python With Ics Files And Csv

one friend ask me some help on a personnal project, but I have to admit my skills in Python are ver… Read more Python With Ics Files And Csv

Pythonic Method To Sum All The Odd-numbered Lines In A File

I'm learning Python for a programming placement test I have to take for grad school, and this i… Read more Pythonic Method To Sum All The Odd-numbered Lines In A File

Django Callback On Facebook Credits

I would like to use Facebook Credits with my Django Application. In the Facebook Credits documentat… Read more Django Callback On Facebook Credits

Asynchronously Updating Pygtk Tray Icon

As explained here, I have a simple tray icon using PyGTK. Being very new to GTK, it appears to me t… Read more Asynchronously Updating Pygtk Tray Icon

Lazy Data-flow (spreadsheet Like) Properties With Dependencies In Python

My problem is the following: I have some python classes that have properties that are derived from … Read more Lazy Data-flow (spreadsheet Like) Properties With Dependencies In Python

Lookahead Regex Failing To Find The Same Overlapping Matches

Is it possible to find overlapping matches using regular expressions when searching again for the s… Read more Lookahead Regex Failing To Find The Same Overlapping Matches

Flask Only Sees First Parameter From Multiple Parameters Sent With Curl

I am using curl to make a request to a Flask route that expects multiple query params. However, th… Read more Flask Only Sees First Parameter From Multiple Parameters Sent With Curl

How Can Django Projects Be Deployed With Minimal Installation Work?

To deploy a site with Python/Django/MySQL I had to do these on the server (RedHat Linux): Install … Read more How Can Django Projects Be Deployed With Minimal Installation Work?

How To Center Vertically And Horizontally A Heading Text Using Flask-bootstrap

How can I bring a heading text in the middle of a page? I'm using flask-bootstrap and I would l… Read more How To Center Vertically And Horizontally A Heading Text Using Flask-bootstrap

Instantiating And Using Stanfordtagger Within Nltk

I apologize for the newbie-nature of this question - I have been trying to figure out Python packag… Read more Instantiating And Using Stanfordtagger Within Nltk

Why Is A Method Not Identical To Itself?

The Python documentation about the is operator says: The operators is and is not test for object… Read more Why Is A Method Not Identical To Itself?

Sublimelinter 4.0.2 New Update Can No Longer Find Any Of My Linters

So after opening up sublime sublimelinter updated and now none of my linters work. I have looked ar… Read more Sublimelinter 4.0.2 New Update Can No Longer Find Any Of My Linters

Python Packages In Wrong Location After Installing Homebrew Python?

After installing Homebrew's Python onto a system with an established Apple Python, the last ent… Read more Python Packages In Wrong Location After Installing Homebrew Python?

How To Go To Next Page Using Beautiful Soup?

I have to extract information from 5 pages from a website. At the end of every page there is '… Read more How To Go To Next Page Using Beautiful Soup?

Automatically Load A Virtualenv When Running A Script

I have a python script that needs dependencies from a virtualenv. I was wondering if there was some… Read more Automatically Load A Virtualenv When Running A Script

How To Bypass The Message-"your Connection Is Not Private" On Non-secure Page Using Selenium?

I'm trying to interact with the page 'Your connection is not private'. The solution of … Read more How To Bypass The Message-"your Connection Is Not Private" On Non-secure Page Using Selenium?

Is It Possible To Set Two Value Axis In Python-pptx (one Left, One Right)

I frequently use python-pptx, with current version of 0.6.6.... Now I want to set up a chart with t… Read more Is It Possible To Set Two Value Axis In Python-pptx (one Left, One Right)

Cython Throws An Error When Pass Function With Void * Argument To Dict

I have a function with void * parameter and I want to store it in the dict. What I do is: %%cython… Read more Cython Throws An Error When Pass Function With Void * Argument To Dict

Class-based Context Manager Vs Generator-based One

There's an Indenter() class we could use to have text indentations levels like this: hi! … Read more Class-based Context Manager Vs Generator-based One

Document Comparison / Similarity Using Whoosh Python Search Library

How do I get a similarity measure of a document using Whoosh? I want to create a 'Related'… Read more Document Comparison / Similarity Using Whoosh Python Search Library

How To Get Xml Output In A File With New Line Using Python Xml.etree?

I am generating xml file using 'from xml.etree import ElementTree' and placing the generate… Read more How To Get Xml Output In A File With New Line Using Python Xml.etree?

Is There Any Python Module For Sending Messages Between Users In A Web Application?

I'm using pyramid to build up a web site and would like to find some modules about sending mess… Read more Is There Any Python Module For Sending Messages Between Users In A Web Application?

How Calculate Distance Between 2 Node2vec Model

I have 2 node2vec models in different timestamps. I want to calculate the distance between 2 models… Read more How Calculate Distance Between 2 Node2vec Model

Swapping The Dimensions Of A Numpy Array

I would like to do the following: for i in dimension1: for j in dimension2: for k in dimensio… Read more Swapping The Dimensions Of A Numpy Array

Simple Multithread For Loop In Python

I searched everywhere and I don't find any simple example of iterating a loop with multithreadi… Read more Simple Multithread For Loop In Python